And That's The News

Category: Announcements

Donations Made!

Category: Announcements

At our 70th Anniversary celebration last fall, we decided to donate our remaining funds to the following three charities: The Turtle Hospital, Marathon FL Turtle Fly Too, Boise, ID Muscular Dystrophy Association, Washington, DC Click here to see the... Read More >

SAVE THE DATE – September 30, 2023

Category: Announcements

Due to the suspension of the on-campus fraternity, the Alumni Association is no longer viable but that’s not going to stop us from celebrating our 70th anniversary next Homecoming on Saturday, September 30, 2023. Save the date and... Read More >

Homecoming 2022

Category: Announcements

Dear Turtle Alumni, I wish I could bring you some exciting news about the active Turtles, but it looks like that chapter of the story is ending. It’s hard to see it any other way than... Read More >

Carthage and Tau Sigma Chi

Category: Announcements

Dear Brothers and Sisters of Tau Sigma Chi,  Word is starting to leak out that Carthage has suspended the fraternity for 4 years based on allegations and an investigation conducted by a Carthage-affiliated investigator. Their rationale was violation... Read More >

Donations needed!

Category: AnnouncementsUncategorized

Brothers and Sisters, As many of you know, Carthage now mandates that all fraternities and sororities provide their own liability insurance.  Since Tau Sigma Chi is a local fraternity,  the complete cost of this insurance falls on... Read More >

Updated Alumni Roster just posted

Category: Announcements

I just uploaded an updated roster. Please email at if you need the password. And if you have any updates, or know the contact info for a brother/sister whose info is missing, please let... Read More >

Congratulations Actives on winning Homecoming 2019!!! What am I donating to?

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