OCTOBER 12, 2013

This column will be continuing articles on the origin and early history of the Turtles as recorded in the Turtle History Book by founder Bill (Bushes, Tree-tops) Trees.

On October 7th at 2:35pm in the year of our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Three an idea was born which was later to become a reality. It is significant not only to the original members, but to each succeeding generation of Tau Chi's. For in its humble beginning a true spirit of fellowship and instant service were evident.

On the above date in room 231 of Memorial Dorm on the campus of Carthage College, Carthage, Illinois, Larry (Crane, Cronie, The Orangeville Flash) Crone and Bill Trees were discussing world problems. During the interim between topics, the possibility of celebrating the end of another week of tedious classroom preparation was hailed as a momentous idea and was heartily accepted by all. (Favor 2 Against 0). At this time Cronie was telling Bushes of a sport his brother and his friends used to participate in to acquire liquid nourishment for medicinal reasons. If a friend were asked if he were a Turtle, he must answer, "You bet your happy ass I am" or suffer the privilege of furnishing his friend with a mixture of hops, barley, malt and other exotic ingrediants (beer). At the time it seemed to be an excellent idea to form our own group and it was further noted the more participants the greater the opportunity of securing said refreshments. At this point, Jerry (JJ) Johnson was asked to participate and he readily accepted.

A few minutes later, Cronie, Bushes and JJ proceeded, Turtle in hand (small replica) to room 303. It was here Warren (Diskie) Diskerud, Gerry (Eyes) Eisele, Dean Ferrell, Ken (Gorsk) Gorsky and Don (Ace) Henderson (who seemed to really appreciate the idea of such an organization) were sworn in. The club, now eight members strong, continued to the room of Carl (Duke) Obert and Tom (Horse) Lisle where they hastily accepted the invitation and were sworn in. THIS THEN REPRESENTS THE ORIGINAL MEMBERSHIP OF THE FRATERNAL ORDER OF TAU SIGMA CHI. It was interesting to note that all accepted membership without hesitation, especially after learning the liquid refreshment had already been purchased for the first gathering that night. This was a first for the members and Carthage as the only fraternities on campus were honorary.

Later that evening the first function was held at beautiful Lake Carthage in the Camp Fire Room of Shelter No. 2. It was here before a bodacious campfire with mugs held on high that the first fellowship of the Turtles was instituted and A GOOD TIME WAS HAD BY ALL -- OH BOY!!!

Thus we started out!

Don (Ace) Henderson
1st Turtle President
Go to Part 2