OCTOBER 12, 2013
This is the second installment of the origins and early Turtle history as recorded in the Turtle History Book by Founder Bill (Bushes, Treetops) Trees.

It is interesting to note the first official function of the Tau Chi's evolved from the lack of school spirit as illustrated by the small numbers of students in attendance at football games. It was decided the club would provide a small half time skit (unannounced) between the halves of the up-coming ball game between the Redmen and Quincy College.

At the completion of the first half a limousine with the windows covered up roared up to the 50 yard mark and some 14 or 15 boys dressed as gangsters piled out of the car one at a time. There were also four or five hanging on the running board and on the back. Most of the gang wore pork-pie hats which became one of the calling cards of the early Turtles.

After all were on the field Steve Bosco (President of Turtles International} presented Don Henderson with the Carthage Charter of the Loyal Order of Turtles. Accompanying him was Ma Fricker who received the key to the Metropolitan area of Carthage. All of the festivities were received with great enthusiasm and was hailed as an immediate success.

The cast included:
Original members
Gerry Eisele as Steve Bosco
Warren Diskerud as Ma Fricker
Don Henderson as Don Henderson
Tom Lisle as Tom Lisle
Additional help, some of which later became Turtles.
Shortly after Steve Bosco Night the first officers of the organization were elected as follows:
President Don Henderson
Vice President Bill Trees
Secretary-Treasurer Larry Crone
Sergeant at Arms Ken Gorsky

After the officers were duly installed Warren Diskerud motioned we adjourn to Chet's (Local Pub) and drink to that---and that we did all night long.
It was then that President Henderson appointed Bill Trees as the first club historian with the duty to record all of the Tau Chi's actions and to be substantiated with pictorial support whenever possible. And we continued on!

Don (Ace) Henderson, 1st Turtle President
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