OCTOBER 12, 2013
This is the third installment of the origins and early Turtle history as recorded in the Turtle History Book by Founder Bill (Bushes, Treetops) Trees.
A few days after the officers were installed, a few days later another milestone was reached, the first two pledges were to undergo initiation and
acceptance. The two names about to be mentioned are synonomous with the Turtles. Indeed it is only fitting to include them in the same breath as
the original founders, for through their efforts and energies much was accomplished. They are Ken (Frog) Gohr and Carl "Chief" Roessler.
It is interesting to tarry awhile and recall some of the chores of the Clubs first initiates. The Club all gathered in the room of the "Minneapolis
Lodge". The rules governing their first test of acceptance was to chug-a-lug a bottle of beer within 10 seconds. A big mug was provided in hopes
of increasing the speed of the feat. Everyone was betting the Frog could do it, but there were some reservations concerning the Chief. Gohr was
first -- shirt off, ready to go, and then the signal and he started to drink. Half way through he stopped for air, then back to the mug -- finishing in
seven seconds. A tremendous cheer erupted, followed by an eruption of Frog's own...A burp that was heard three blocks away. Next up, the Chief.
The signal, the tip of the mug and 12 ounces disappeared within three seconds flat to stun all members present.
Shortly after the initiation was over, the members returned to their rooms wondering what manner of man was this, 12 fluid ounces in three
After passing the primary test, both of the pledges had to serve at a "banquet" of the Turtles in the chow hall. This skit like all others was on the
spur of the moment and was designed to get a few laughs from the students. It had all the earmarks of the club, pork pie hats, topcoats, all
members coming in looking around in a very suspiciously manner. (This was after the student body had already been seated for the meal). The
following article appeared in the Indian.
Now for the pitch of the week. What is it with these Turtles? Just because you got a few laughs once doesn't mean you have to throw
yourselves at the whole school for the rest of the year as the entertainment committee. Simmer down. I will have to admit that I got a chuckle out of
the game gas, but monopolizing the dining hall for your banquets seems highly irregular.
I think Willy Trees ought to be made honorary something or other for the way he handled that wicked cigar though. I hear he's still choking.
Don (Ace) Henderson
1st Turtle President