Carthage and Tau Sigma Chi
Dear Brothers and Sisters of Tau Sigma Chi,
Word is starting to leak out that Carthage has suspended the fraternity for 4 years based on allegations and an investigation conducted by a Carthage-affiliated investigator. Their rationale was violation of four Carthage policies: Hazing, Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse (AODA), Covid Safety Guidelines and Honesty. If this suspension is upheld, they will lose their floor, cannot gather as members, and will not be recognized by the College.
Given the nature of the allegations, I expected some response from Carthage. However, a 4-year suspension is excessive & unwarranted. They seem to want to make an example of the Turtles/Doves. If this suspension stands, the Turtles/Doves most likely will no longer exist. I have spent several years liaising with the Actives. As their representative, I was able to sit through the recent hearings but could not speak or pass notes. I have, however, read the investigative report. I don’t see anything egregious that would warrant such harsh disciplinary action.
The Turtle Alumni Board and a few other concerned alums have met to develop a plan of action. I will also meet with the Active Presidents and their advisor in the next few days. It’s very important that you hold any contact/communication with Carthage regarding this matter until we give the green light. Believe me, we will need your help once we have an aligned strategy. What you can do now is start drumming up support of other alumni Greeks, even those who were not Turtles/Doves, so we can assemble the troops and act quickly.
If you’re interested in being more involved, please email me at I’d be happy to share more information and answer questions. I don’t know where this road is going to take us, but it’s time that Carthage understands that its community is stronger with fraternities than without.
Kurt Lehrmann
President Tau Sigma Chi Alumni Association
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Roger Eagan
Assuming that the investigative reports are a matter of public record, I would like to read them and substantiate cause for the allegations. I ask you active brothers and sisters to answer honestly if any of them are true. I suspect that some hazing and alcohol use is most likely a valid concern if you are anything like we were back in the 1960s. The question that begs asking is, "to what extent?" If, as you say, we are being singled out as an example, a rational approach would be to research similar activities by other groups on campus. As past president of our community HOA, I sat on the judiciary committee which established violations by any of our residents. My approach to the HOA board, which was accepted, was that if any neighbor was accused of a violation, then all neighbors exhibiting the same violation must equally be fined. .i.e. "singling out for the sake of example" is not justice under the law. Two wrongs do not make a right, but it would be wrong to punish one organization in order to prevent similar infractions by other organizations. My advice is to look for witnesses of similar violations by other organizations and request signed depositions. Brother Roger Eagan Class of '66