

Homecoming 2022

Dear Turtle Alumni,

I wish I could bring you some exciting news about the active Turtles, but it looks like that chapter of the story is ending. It’s hard to see it any other way than Carthage does not want local fraternities on campus, period. They try to paint the image that they care, but that’s just lip service, all the way to the top. For the Actives to come back, they would need students who are interested in rechartering the group. To be honest, even if you had interested students, Carthage has established an unlivable situation for fraternities. Add to that is the ever-present atmosphere of harassment, and it’s easy to see why none of the Turtles that are still on campus want to make any noise. It’s ironic that many of the things Carthage accused the Turtles of doing, they did to the Turtles.    

We do want to announce that we’ll be holding our annual Homecoming get together on Saturday Sept 24, 2022 at Casa Capri from 10am to 12:30p. One of the main reasons we want to host the event is to get feedback from alumni on whether we should host a 70th anniversary in 2023, as a final hurrah for the alumni association. We were chartered a number of years with the focus of supporting the active Turtles so our mission no longer exists. If you can’t attend don’t hesitate to drop us a note with your thoughts. Hope to see you in September.

Kurt Lehrmann, President TEXAA

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  • Richard Draper


    I wish I could make homecoming, but right now it doesn's seem possible. I would very much like to see a 70th party.

  • Bill Schacht


    Will be in Vegas on 9/24. Certainly interested in a 70th.

  • chuck dill


    I still don't know why this happened. 23 sounds great Chuck Dill 70

  • Robert C (Herbie) Hurbanis


    Brothers. Carthage has been taken over with Board approval by a Far left extreme leftist President. Big mistake. Control. That’s the goal of this administration. The Turtles didn’t deserve the punishment received. But we all can look up to God and know the Turtle Organization from its inception always served Carthage with great respect and honor. Love you all and we will always have the memories that no leftist Adm can take away. A new era my brothers has descended on Carthage and it’s not good. But history of the Turtles will always be on our side. Love you. Robert C (Herbie) Hurbanis a member since 1958.

  • John Vitkus


    Definitely will be there on 9/24 and I’m all for a 70th celebration party next year. I also understand Carthage is taking down all the championship banners that hung in the PEC because they say Redmen on them. The school has gone totally woke!

  • Wally Boehm


    Thanks for the information which reveals that Carthage does not understand all the good things the Turtles and other Greek organizations did on campus to round out our educational experience and prepare us for life experiences. I wish that I could make it to Homecoming this year, but I will be in San Antonio, Texas. Next year a 70th anniversary reunion party would be great.

  • Joel Steinfeldt


    Fuck Carthage College. Let’s go private. How many Turtles and Doves would it take to donate money to rent or purchase a place of our own near the campus, where we can exercise our First Amendment rights to gather and be free in brotherhood and sisterhood? Carthage administrators can’t control private property off campus, or the thoughts and minds of off-campus students. I’m in. Did Martin Luther, the rock of the Lutheran Church behind Carthage College, back down to the Catholic Church? No, he nailed his 95 Theses to the he door at All Saints Church in 1517. Who’s with me?

    • David Ittel


      I agree. It's a solution...We always lacked a frat house....WTF? All Universities have houses for frats....Perhaps an alumni who resides in Kenosha? It would take some of the $$$ for the dorms they built...trouble? I'm a Realtor. I live and licensed in INDIANA. But I can help. Best, a foundation, attnys set them up for our Church...It's for estates that can be given away tax free, everyone benefits. I'm sure there are a few TEX attorneys that would advise. IT WOULD BE A PERMANENT ANSWER & NEW BEGINNING. EVAD

  • David Ittel


    I love the Turtles. I learned more from TEX than all 5 years on campus at classes, because after the class is over, that's when you discuss the REAL things in life...YOUR future, love life, feuds with others and friends in our frat that trust you. Secrets must be kept. The keys to life were given to me by my loyal BROTHERS. Pledging was an option with your time...The best time spent of my 67 years. I feel so disappointed in "cart hate" leaders. The Alumni of any frat or sorriaty, are the most learned and loyal to this school and might be ready to send their Schools and frats are built on TRADITION. We were a service frat and gave back to MS and in so many other ways. Change can be good...but, what can we do now? I will be at the 70th reunion and thank everyone who helped me/us grow. DAVID ITTEL "EVAD" class of 78 &80..The BEGINNING?

Congratulations Actives on winning Homecoming 2019!!! What am I donating to?

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